Resources for Afghan Rights Activists
The following organizations accept applications for emergency grants for Human Rights Defenders in danger. Each organization has their own instructions for applying which must be followed closely. Unfortunately, Food for Thought Afghanistan does not have funds to offer and is unable to offer assistance applying for grants at this time. We are not approved to make referrals for P1 or P2 Visas.
International Federation for Human Rights
Agir Ensemble Por Les Droits Humans
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE): Journalists in Distress Fund
EIDHR Direct Small Grants -
The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) manages an emergency fund for human rights defenders at risk that gives direct small grants of up to 10,000 EUR per grant. Both individuals and organizations can apply, including organizations that are not legally registered. The urgent support may take any form that is considered necessary, such as medical expenses, security materials, evacuation, operations, etc.
How to Apply: Defenders should contact their European Union delegation or the EIDHR team (europeaid eidhr@ec.europa.eu) and provide information about the particular case, including the name of the defender(s), background on the case(s), amount of grant requested, and for what purpose.
The Fund for Global Human Rights
The Fund offers emergency grants which help protect the security of activists under threat. These grants are made on a case by case basis to frontline groups when financial assistance is needed to protect the security of activists or organizations at risk.
How to Apply: Email info@globalhumanrights.org for more information.
The World Organization Against Torture
International Federation of Human Rights
Download a spreadsheet with links to emergency grants application information.
Human rights defenders can apply for fellowships, which are sometimes affiliated with universities, in order to enhance their skills and temporarily relocate to a location abroad. Fellowships offer short-term protection and a chance to re-energize.
CARA has a special program set-up to match Afghan academics with fellowships.
If you are not an academic or would like to explore fellowship opportunities independently, here is a list of 100+ Fellowship Opportunities for Global Development.